Archive For March 2020

The mountains have been here for 80 million years; humans have been using the mountains for a lot less time than that, but nevertheless for a long time, historically speaking. The Romans used one of the peaks as a military fort. Later, in the 14th century, a monastery was built that gave birth to this…

Haymarket is an historic street in central London. Connecting Pall Mall with Piccadilly, Haymarket dates back to Elizabethan times and, unsurprisingly, it was once a market for the sale of agricultural produce next to the village of Charing. The thought of this sleepy hamlet will make Londoners smile, as Charing Cross is now a vibrant…

We all want to eat better, and saving some money would be a bonus. So how can we do both? Growing your own fruit and veg is a simple way of achieving those targets, and its fun, too! Having little space is no excuse for not growing a few delicious crops. There are varieties which…

ALDI Premium White Rum is bound to be popular with all those bar flies who are now confined to home. They will want a spirit that is versatile and perfect for a host of rum-based cocktails. It needs to have a mild flavour, but it equally needs to be full-strength. Keen price is also appealing…

Melia London Kensington Hotel was the first hotel in this International chain in which I had stayed. It’s a Spanish group and there is a nod to that in its restaurant cuisine, and also in the fact that most of the staff seem to be bilingual. That’s a rather unique draw for those guests from…

Wild and Game, the not-for-profit and favourite company of mine, are putting game on the menu across the UK. They have released a special self-isolation pack of frozen game meals, delivered straight to your door and designed to get people through self-isolation. Each £25 pack provides 14 days of dinners! I have enjoyed these pies…

Black Cow Vodka! A nice name and the untutored might imagine that a cow was chosen just as a pretty motif. But the truth is that cows are a key component of this spirit. No, this vodka isn’t made from beef but rather from the milk donated by those aforementioned cattle. A spirit made from…

What could be more quintessentially English than afternoon tea? A great location helps, and they don’t come much more iconic than London’s Covent Garden. Add a little French je ne sais quoi and one is looking at a rather delicious package. Covent Garden was buzzing with life before it became such a tourist hub. The…

Aelbert Cuyp Exhibition 27 September 2020 to 14 March 2021 To celebrate the 400th anniversary of the birth of Aelbert Cuyp (1620–1691) the Dordrechts Museum is organising a major exhibition to celebrate the Dutch artist and his impact on English landscape painters. In the light of Cuyp: Aelbert Cuyp & Gainsborough – Constable – Turner…

It’s a new age. We worry about the planet, bush fires, floods, and living cleaner and leaner. That thrust is also found in bars. Legless lads and pavement-hugging princesses are no longer considered cool, with those lost nights closely followed by equally disastrous mornings. STRYYK – Not Vodka could solve both those aforementioned undignified problems….

Mahiki? It certainly sounds Polynesian! It is actually a prominent nightclub and bar as well as a rather good drink. The clear glass bottle has great shelf appeal. The peach/pink liqueur is complemented by a thoughtfully designed label. It’s from the creative mind of British fashion designer Henry Holland, and is emblazoned with Polynesian coconut…

Founded by Hannah McCollum, ChicP is a company that is taking a fresh look at a vegetarian favourite. This young company was set up to expand the ‘healthy dips’ offering in supermarkets. Hummus has become something of a staple with those who love the flavour and texture of chickpeas. But ChicP has enhanced that standard…

3 October 2019 – 29 March 2020 The first major exhibition of Notgeld in the UK During the First World War and the following inflation, many German towns issued their own emergency currency, called Notgeld (emergency money). This money, usually in low denominations, was intended to combat shortages in small change at a local level….