Celebration Gateau

From Sainsbury’s


Serves: 10
Preparation time: 20 Minutes
Cooking time: 20 Minutes



175g butter, softened, plus butter for greasing
175g unrefined golden caster sugar
3 medium eggs, beaten
150g self-raising flour, sifted
25g cocoa powder
165g chocolate butter cream icing
165g vanilla butter cream icing



Preheat the oven to 180°C, fan 160°C, gas 4. Grease and line the base of 2 x 20.5cm round shallow cake tins.

Cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.

Gradually add the beaten eggs, a little at a time, until well incorporated. Sieve the flour and cocoa together.

Using a metal spoon fold it into the mixture, adding a 1 tablespoon of water if the mixture is too stiff.

Spoon the cake mixture into the cake tins, level the top of the cake and cook in the pre-heated oven for 20-25 minutes until springy to the touch. Turn out on to a cooling rack and allow to cool.

When cold, sandwich the cake together with soft chocolate butter cream icing. Pipe swirls of vanilla butter cream on top and decorate with chocolate curls.