From Sainsbury’s
A rich and fruity festive pudding with a chocolate twist.
Serves: 8
Preparation time: 35 Minutes
Cooking time: 2 Minutes
1 x 250g pack Sainsbury’s dried ready-to-eat figs
1 x 300ml single cream
250g Sainsbury’s mixed luxury dried fruit
1 x 200g bar white chocolate, broken into squares
200ml orange juice
155ml Sainsbury’s brandy
1/2 tablespoon cornflour
1 x 100g bar dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids), broken into squares
125g softened butter, plus extra for greasing
125g dark brown soft sugar
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
175g self-raising flour, sifted
25g cocoa powder, sifted
2 teaspoons Sainsbury’s mixed spice
Chop the figs, discarding the stalks. Put the chopped figs and the mixed fruit into a bowl and pour over the orange juice and the 100ml of the brandy. Cover with clingfilm and leave to stand overnight so the fruit absorbs the liquid.
Put the dark chocolate into a heatproof bowl over a pan of barely simmering water, making sure that the bowl does not touch the water, and leave to melt, stirring now and again until smooth. Remove the bowl from the pan and set aside.
In a large bowl, whisk the butter and sugar with an electric hand whisk until softened. Whisk in the eggs a little at a time, followed by the chocolate. Stir in the soaked fruit with all of the boozy liquid with the flour, cocoa and mixed spice.
Butter the inside of the pudding basin generously and spoon in the mixture. Cut out a circle of baking parchment large enough to fit over the basin and halfway down the sides. Fold a pleat across the centre and place over the basin. Cover with a large circle of foil. Secure with string, then put the basin in a large saucepan and pour in boiling water to come halfway up the sides of the basin. Bring the water back to the boil on the hob, then cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 2 hours. Check now and again that it isn’t boiling dry and add some more hot water if necessary.
When the pudding is almost cooked, prepare the sauce. Place the single cream, white chocolate and remaining brandy into a small saucepan and heat gently, whisking until smooth. Put the cornflour into a small bowl and whisk in a little of the white chocolate mixture until smooth. Return this to the pan then whisk over a medium heat until it reaches boiling point, and the sauce has thickened.
When the pudding is cooked, lift the basin from the pan. Remove the string, foil and baking parchment. Loosen the edges of the pudding with a knife, then turn out on to a serving plate.
Serve the pudding with the sauce.