James Martin Desserts – review

Anyone who loved the series Sweet Baby James (James Martin, that is) will be equally impressed by the companion book “Desserts”. In fact anyone who is a fan of this popular chef will want a copy.

James Martin Desserts Sweet Baby James is considered by some to be the best of James Martin on TV. He has a talent for desserts and puds, which are made even more comforting and homey by the addition of anecdotes. James tells of his Gran who would make pastry while watching Coronation Street. More accurately, his Gran would listen to Coronation Street while watching the pastry.

There are some spectacular dishes here but you don’t need to be an expert patissier to try your hand at these delights. James has a wealth of advice in the Basics section and that will give you the confidence to tackle all the recipes, not only from this book but the skills will serve you well when using any other cookbook.

The chapter headings prepare you for the treats in store. There is everything here from Hot Puddings to Ice Creams and Sorbets and everything in between. The dishes are classic and traditional but with the occasional contemporary twist. That isn’t to say that they are all British. There are some European favourites that will be familiar to most readers.

White chocolate and whiskey

James starts the Hot Puddings section with Bread and Butter Pudding but he uses croissants instead of the more usual white sliced. It has a less regular crust than the original and has a lighter texture. The use of white chocolate and whiskey are more of James’ departures but you could always substitute another spirit and use dark chocolate. An orange liqueur would work well.

The Tarts and Flans chapter offers Baked Pear and Honey Tart. This is a dinner party version of the old favourite custard tart. Lemon Meringue Pie is another standard that has been forgotten but it can be delicious when made as illustrated in Desserts. Apple and Thyme Tarte Tatin is a contemporary take on the famous original.

You will expect me to have my favourites and I do. Sorbet is such a popular dessert because it’s a light and refreshing end to a meal and makes a lovely afternoon snack on a hot summer day. The advantage is that sorbet is made in advance so is ideal for meals with friends. James offers Apple Sorbet and Fresh Mango Sorbet. Lemon Granita which is like a very smart flavoured ice made in a freezer box rather than an ice cream maker is a simple alternative to sorbet.

James Martin Desserts is a book full of puds to remind you of Sunday dinner when you were a kid. But it will equally encourage you to make the effort to tempt your own family. Make some sweet memories for them. Great value for money.

James Martin Desserts
Author: James Martin
Published by: Quadrille
Price: £12.99
ISBN 978-1-84400-559-8


See more books by James Martin here.


Cookbook review by Chrissie Walker © 2018