Jamie Oliver’s Beautiful Brussels & Swede Mash

‘These brilliant sides have the potential to convert the entire family to Brussels and swede once and for all’


Serves: 6
Preparation time: 20 Minutes
Cooking time: 30 Minutes


250g unsalted butter
5 cloves garlic, 1 crushed and 4 peeled
Juice of ½ lemon
1 sprig of rosemary, leaves picked and chopped
3 Sainsbury’s anchovy fillets in olive oil, finely chopped

500g Brussels sprouts
1 large swede (about 600g), peeled
3 medium potatoes (about 700g), peeled
25g unsalted butter



Mix the butter, 1 crushed garlic clove, lemon juice, rosemary and anchovies with a pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Peel away the outside leaves from the Brussels sprouts, trim the stalks, then cut in half. Add to a steamer over a pan of water and steam for 6–8 minutes, until just cooked. Tip into a serving bowl and toss with a good knob of the rosemary butter made in step 1, then serve right away. Any leftover butter can be saved in the freezer and used another day.

To make the swede mash, cut the swede and potatoes into 3cm chunks. Place in boiling salted water with the garlic cloves and cook for 25 minutes, until tender.

Drain and tip the vegetables back into the pan. Add the butter, season with salt and freshly ground black pepper, and mash well. Keep warm until ready to serve.