Pie by Angela Boggiano – review

OK, dear reader, I can say that this is my favourite cookbook… or at least one of my favourites. I am awash with ooohhs and aaahhhs and mmmmms, and I realise that perhaps a pie is one of the special comfort foods that shout “tradition”. They are not uniquely British but it’s agreed by most that we do have a particular and long-lasting love of the humble and not so humble pastry case.

pie The author, Angela Boggiano, is a girl after my own heart. She is of Italian descent and of Northern English roots so she has a passion for cooking and a need to communicate that passion. Lucky for us. She is an experienced food writer who has worked on numerous magazines and has several books to her credit.

There is a lovely selection of traditional pies here but also some ideas that could easily be adapted by changing fillings. I am particularly impressed by Gooseberry  which has a raised case which is totally new to me. It has the hot water crust of a pork pie but it has a sweet filling. Peach and Apricot Amaretto Pie is a single crust pie with an interesting crunch of Amaretti biscuits on top. Smart enough for any meal for friends, drizzled with single cream or crème fraiche.

Baby Apple Calvados Pies are a little different from the regular apple creations. The apple brandy makes for a richer filling and individual pies always make guests feel pampered. Don’t we all prefer a whole something to a slice of something? Perhaps a SMALL glass of Calvados would go well with these baby pies.

A raised pie should hold no terrors

For many people the word “pie” conjures memories of savoury pies. I confess that one of my earliest recollections is of eating a meat pie from the foil dish one freezing night whilst watching stockcar racing. Not exactly gourmet fare but the hot, steaming pastry encasing a gooey gravy with a few morsels of meat was welcome. Let’s not be food snobs. Even fast food has its place.

Angela has enough savoury pies to gladden the heart of any hearty eater. Melton Mowbray Pork Pie is perhaps the most celebrated of British pies. There is plenty of advice about making a raised pie so it should hold no terrors. It’s a handy skill to master and a lot less complicated than it sounds. Raised Fish Pie uses a shortcrust pastry which gives a more delicate crust to surround a filling of salmon fillet and smoked salmon. Angela suggests a lemon and herb mayonnaise to serve with this and I’d add a green salad or some green beans.

Pie is a stunner. If the thought of pie-making has even crossed your mind then buy this book. I guarantee that you will not be disappointed. Yummy!

Author: Angela Boggiano
Published by: Mitchell Beazley
Price: £14.99
ISBN 978-1-84533-489-5


Cookbook review by Chrissie Walker © 2018