Pocket-Pro® – Not just your Pocket Toothbrush – product review

For the first time in my life as a travel writer I was invited to review a toothbrush! Well, it’s true one has to brush teeth even when travelling, but I was rather intrigued! Was there going to be a trade-off between power and size? There was bound to be some kind of concession… wasn’t there?

pocket pro toothbrushWell, no. The Pocket-Pro® toothbrush by Colgate is indeed ideal for any traveller. Nothing worse than your battery-driven electric toothbrush turning itself into a manual toothbrush when you are miles from a new battery. This slim and sleek toothbrush charges via a USB connection so there will always be power available.

This brush is first class and is now my at-home toothbrush rather being reserved just for trips. It is in fact superior to my regular brush. It represented, on first use, the difference between roller-skates and a Harley Davidson. The oscillating heads vibrated at such a rate that I could almost imagine picking up short-wave radio via my fillings. Great and convincing power.

Sonic vibrations

The Colgate® ProClinical® electric toothbrush uses, so the manual says, two distinct sonic cleaning motions – up-down and side-to-side. Its sonic vibrations clean more powerfully, it seems, to remove plaque and surface stains. I have no idea about the technology but the results speak for themselves!

Other nice touches are the timers: 2-Minute Timer designed to turn off when you reach the dentist-recommended 2 minute brushing time. 30-Second Pacer pauses every half-minute to indicate when the user should move to another quadrant in the mouth. The small, neat head reaches teeth that other brushes might not.

Pocket-Pro® by Colgate is a gem. It’s practical, well-designed and great to use. Buy it to travel with, but keep it to live with.

Learn more about the Colgate Pocket-Pro® here


Product review by Chrissie Walker © 2018