wagamama announces plans for safe return to dine-in using ingenious innovation
Stay Safe the wagamama Way
Oh, how I have missed wagamama. Many of their branches are opening over these next weeks, but one can still enjoy their food via delivery or click-and-collect.
wagamama announces plans to re-open their dine-in operation using ingenious sliding screens to keep diners safe whilst maintaining an enjoyable experience, and a very safe and practical one too!
The screens, inspired by Japanese partition designs, cleverly take advantage of the long wagamama benches to ensure safe dining while maintaining the usual conviviality.
The team at wagamama used guest feedback to devise the sliding screens which sit on tiny rollers and can be moved up and down the full length of the benches, discreetly separating parties of guests from one another.
The ‘stay safe the wagamama way’ re-opening will allow customers to experience wagamama, making a feature of the restaurant’s iconic benches.
wagamama will reopen four trial sites to test the safety and efficiency of the designs put in place to meet strict social distancing and increased hygiene measures.
Innovative ideas
The first restaurant to open was at the Royal Festival Hall in central London on Saturday July 4 and will include a wide variety of innovative ideas to keep customers and team members safe. The first site will then be followed by three others at the Trafford Centre, Stevenage and Swindon from Monday July 6.
Other measures the restaurant is taking to ensure guests stay safe the wagamama way include social distancing queueing, disposable menus on placemats, and the restaurant will also now be cashless, providing a simple pay-on-phone mechanism at the end of the meal; this minimises staff contact and adheres to the government’s request to take the name and phone number of at least one person in the group visiting the restaurant.
If these initial test and learn sites prove successful for both customers and staff wagamama plans to have 18 restaurants open by the end of July. Then a staged plan will hopefully see all restaurants open by early September.
The return to dine-in has been guided by a survey of wagamama customers which asked what was important to them when considering reopening restaurants. Safety, whilst maintaining the much-loved ability to sit on our benches within the restaurant came back as key messages.
During the first days and weeks of re-opening guests will also be asked to give wagamama feedback so that they are constantly learning and improving.
The Japanese aesthetic
Design Director Mark Standing said: “Sliding screens (shoji) are at the very heart of the Japanese architectural aesthetic. They have been used for hundreds of years to divide spaces in buildings and rooms. I took my inspiration for the design of screen dividers for our long sharing tables and benches from this tradition”.
CEO Emma Woods continued: “The main question we have been working on as a team is how can our guests feel safe but still have a communal wagamama experience, sitting on our benches. The team have applied our philosophy of kaizen – good change – to this challenge and I am delighted we have found a design solution which provides social distancing for our guests in a way which is true to the design ethos of the brand.
“We are looking forward to getting our guests back in and obtaining their feedback in the first 18 sites. If these tests go well, we will reopen the remainder of our restaurants throughout August and September.”
Learn more about Staying safe the wagamama way here